Home - Hope for Girls
This relief really arrives – Girls get a new perspective
The organisation "Hope for girls" in Switzerland has been founded by four persons back in 2002. It supports the girls in Michael Job Centre, Coimbatore www.mjc.ac.in with sponsorships.
They come from very difficult backgrounds, be it half-orphaned, deep poverty, unwanted suspended baby girls, persecuted minorities, bereaved after earthquakes and cyclones.
Thanks to us they get a new home, enough to eat and very good education.
The children's hostel and orphanage started with 30 girls. In the meantime more than 500 girls have been admitted. Some of them are already grown up and have found good jobs thanks to their education. So they can make a living of it – what a great joy.
The school is amongst the best ones in the state of Tamil Nadu. Every year we are getting gold medals for best marks. Aside our own girls 700 other children and female students attend the school and college. Some of them get significant reductions on the school fees, because their parents could not afford such an education for their daughters.
"Hope for Girls" in Coimbatore, South India ist he first home only for girls with High School and College, where the girls can study from Kindergarden up to the Masters degree.
To provide a home for more girls, we depend on your support.
Sponsoring and donations are urgently needed
We grant 100% effeciveness, i.e. zero administration costs!